Information on Slimming Pills
Slimming pills come in various forms
There are various types of slimming pills, each working with the part of weight loss that the body struggles with most. They include but are not limited to appetite suppressants, fat burners, fat blockers, carbohydrate blockers, diuretics and slimming pills containing ephedra, a nervous system stimulant. Each type works differently on weight loss, and each carry their own side effects. They should be carefully researched and not used in combination with one another unless directed by your physician.
Prescription slimming pills are prescribed by a health-care professional and have been approved and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. This agency is known for testing medications, their side effects and the likelihood of success through vigorous trials. They come with very specific instructions that your doctor will share with you, and you should follow them in order to receive the best results with your prescription slimming pills.
Over-the-counter slimming pills can be dangerous, ineffective and pointless to take. More often than not, over-the-counter slimming pills are a result of media hype, cheap prices and desperation for rapid weight loss. Unfortunately, they are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and therefore can contain dangerous ingredients that can cause serious problems if you take them regularly.
Side Effects
As with any drug, slimming pills come with a variety of side effects that may suggest the pill is not right for you. Prescription slimming pills have side effects, but over-the-counter slimming pills are subject to more side effects because they often contain more than one weight-loss supplement. Some of these side effects may include increased heartbeat that feels like its racing, nervousness, tremors, increase in blood pressure, diarrhea and, in severe cases, heart failure. The likelihood of experiencing these side effects is directly correlated with the number of slimming pills taken and should be monitored closely for the possibility of overdose.
Other Alternatives
Slimming pills should be used only as a last resort, as they can have negative effects. Diet and exercise are the most effective way for most people to lose weight, barring any health conditions that contribute to excess weight gain. Slimming pills can be addictive and can become ineffective over time. However, maintaining a good diet and a regular exercise routine will help facilitate a healthy body, and over time reduce weight and allow the body to keep the weight off, as the physiology is more likely to change.