Is Pyruvate Safe?
The main claim of the effectiveness of pyruvate is that it can significantly increase weight and fat loss. This conclusion, based on two studies published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," found human participants averaged 16 percent weight loss and 23 percent fat loss.
Many people believe in the weight loss effects of pyruvate due to the claim that this supplement eliminates the yo-yo effect of a typical diet.
Side Effects
Pyruvate has minimal side effects when taken orally in small amounts. Taking more than 22 g can cause bloating, stomach upset and diarrhea.
Pyruvate can be purchased as a single supplement or as part of a combination of supplements. To avoid taking too much, look for ingredients such as 2-oxypropanoic acid, proacemic acid and alpha-keto acid.
Do not take pyruvate if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Those with cardiomyopathy should also avoid the supplement, as pyruvate can lower blood pressure.