Neobes Side Effects
Neobes causes an increase in the patient's energy level. That increase in energy level can sometimes become make it difficult for someone taking Neobes to sleep at night.
Cardiovascular Problems
Neobes can affect a user's heart rate, causing her to have a faster resting heart rate than normal. Over time, Neobes can also cause a patient to have an irregular heartbeat or chest pains from the heart working to pump blood faster than normal.
Gastrointestinal Problems
Taking Neobes has been known to cause nausea and vomiting in some patients. Some patients also experience constipation while taking the drug or have abdominal cramps.
Skin Rash
Some patients have an allergic reaction to Neobes causing them to break out in a rash all over their bodies or develop hives.
Psychologic Problems
The stimulants in Neobes can cause patients to have a feeling of nervousness, anxiety or restlessness. Prolonged use can cause the patient to get headaches or, in some extreme cases, suffer seizures.