Diet Plan for Trimspa
When eating while on a Trimspa diet regimen, remember that Trimspa's active ingredient is hoodia gordonii, which is a powerful appetite suppressant, causing you to eat less. It is still important to continue to eat three meals and two snacks per day, even if you don't feel hungry. Choose light meals that focus on balance, with lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and complex carbohydrates to make sure that your body gets all of the nutrients that it needs without all of the fat and sugar. Eat sensibly, and limit yourself when it comes to sweets and desserts.
To work with the Trimspa diet plan, make sure that you have at least two high quality snacks per day. Make sure that you choose snacks that are low in fat, but high in protein, like a handful of walnuts, a granola bar or a cheese stick. These will help you to stay full so that you're not straying to eat unhealthy snacks while on the diet. You might even try a few of Trimspa's Froodie diet bars that can give you a quick dose of protein and hoodia if you feel like you need an extra appetite suppressant.
While on the Trimspa diet, you're advised to drink water as your sole beverage of choice. Not only does water help to flush out the system, but it also helps your body to break down and absorb the four Trimspa pills that you are recommended to take daily. Stay away from caffeinated drinks, as there is caffeine in Trimspa and consuming too much can cause you to be jittery and jumpy. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day for the best results.