Xenadrine Dangers
Purpose of Xenadrine
Xenadrine was designed by Cytodyne Technologies to be an effective supplement in the battle for weight loss. This product was built to help its user get lean through an improved metabolism and helping the body better burn calories. Its producers state that if this product is taken before meals it will help the body break down those foods into energy faster, which will assist in weight loss.
What is in Xenadrine?
Xenadrine RFA-1 is the main ingredient in this nutritional supplement. This is ephedrine, from the ephedra plant. Ephedrine helps boosts the user's metabolism and helps suppress the appetite to control the amounts of food consumed. Research has shown that ephedrine can have the same effect as the drug speed. This product has been known to raise the blood pressure and heart rate of its users. This is what causes the danger in using this weight loss product, especially for those who are active individuals or athletes.
What makes Xenadrine Dangerous?
As stated the ingredient Xenadrine RFA-1, which is another form of ephedrine, causes major concerns when using this product. It can raise both the heart rate and blood pressure of its users. Doing so when exercising can cause the body to overheat and shut down - a state that can cause heart failure, heat stroke or death. This product has been linked to nearly 100 deaths with a variety of causes including heart attacks and strokes. It was considered to be a factor in the death of major league pitcher Steve Bechler, who died of heatstroke in 2003. For athletes in training and other active individuals, having their body temperature increased at these type of rates can cause to sudden and serious side effects.
Why Some Supplement
Taking supplements to help with weight loss is not a new practice. Getting to that "perfect" weight is something many people chase after. When hours upon hours of exercise time do not show the quick response that some want, they turn to nutritional supplementation to fill that gap. However this may not be the safest answer as some tragic side effects have become known.
In recent times, research has shown that athletes who are restricted by weight plans, such as wrestlers, have used diet pills in order to "cut weight" and maintain strength for years. Sadly though, many individuals have had to pay with to varying degrees from using these products. Taking these products without being under the supervision of trained individuals can lead to serious complications and even more harsh outcomes.
Alternatives to Supplements
When it comes to weight loss, exercise and proper dieting is the safest combination to successfully reach your goal. Monitoring your calorie intake and staying committed to a workout plan that involves high levels of cardio exercises may take more time than supplements and may require more work but you will not be faced with the laundry list of possible side effects from ingredients in those supplements such as Xenadrine. Still, if you wish to use such a product, consult your doctor before doing so to make sure that you are in the best health possible and to learn about the side effects from a trained professional.