About Zantrex-3
Ingredients of Zantrex-3 include niacin, yerba mate, caffeine, guarana, damiana, schizopeta, green tea, piper nigum, Tibetan ginseng, Panax ginseng, maca root, cola nut and thea sinensis complex. Yerba mate is the bark of a rain forest tree. Guarana produces berries, and the seeds are used in Zantrex-3. Damiana is an herb from Mexico, and schizopeta is a spice. Piper nigum is a flowering vine that produces black pepper. Tibetan and panax ginseng are herbs, and maca foot is a plant grown in the Andes. Most of these ingredients are stimulants as is the thea sinensis complex, which comes from a plant used to make tea.
How It Works
According to label information in the National Library of Medicine, Zantrex-3 offers "effortless weight control," and energy when you need it. It is supposed to be taken with a full glass of water 15 to 30 minutes before each meal. The energy boost from the combination of stimulants is usually noticed within a few minutes.
There is no evidence supporting the effectiveness of this preparation. According to Herbal Supplements Guide, much of the weight lost on any diet pills is water weight. In addition, any weight loss is usually only temporary. If exercise is not part of the program, lean muscle loss occurs. That means if your weight returns after you discontinue the pills, it will be more fat and less muscle.
Side Effects
The stimulant provided by this diet pill is basically excessive amounts of caffeine. It contains three times as much caffeine as you would get if you drank three cups of coffee. Side effects can include increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, cold sweats, nervousness, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea, shaking, stomach pain and irritability. In addition, when you stop taking it, you may experience withdrawal symptoms.
Zantrex-3 has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women, individuals with high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes or those who are sensitive to stimulants. You should consult your doctor before taking Zantrex-3 or any other weight loss preparation. There may be drug interactions with other medications.