7-Keto Dangers
Too Early to Tell
The problem with 7-Keto is that it is a new discovery that has yet to be thoroughly tested. Without those tests, one does not know what will happen if 7-Keto is taken with other drugs or the affects of long-term use. There is also no information on how this chemical reacts with existing health conditions and genetic anomalies. The newness of the drug makes it one that you take at "your own risk."
Dosage Conflicts
There is much inconsistency over the appropriate dosage for 7-Keto. One drug manufacturer will list 100 mg as the average dose, while another will caution users against dosages over 25 mg. One online drug distributor even listed 1000 mg as an appropriate dosage. 7-Keto's distribution isn't as regulated as other, more trusted weight loss products, so these inconsistencies will continue. Only a doctor or pharmacist should decide what the best dosage is. Otherwise, you are risking overdose on a drug that has yet to be properly studied.
Perceived Dangers
7-Keto, as any other substance metabolized in the body, should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Those with heart and thyroid conditions should also avoid 7-Keto for the same reason. In fact, consult your family physician before taking 7-Keto supplements. Alert the pharmacist as well before adding any new drugs to your daily 7-Keto dosage.
Unconfirmed Side Effects
Although scientists have yet to isolate the side effects of 7-Keto in clinical studies, users have reported some side effects to the drug. Some say that it shouldn't be taken too close to bedtime as insomnia will result. Because the drug increases the metabolism in order to promote weight loss, such a side effect should be expected.
The Steroid Factor
Remember that 7-Keto is derived from the steroid DHEA, which has been proven to cause several adverse affects in humans. Although 7-Keto may work differently from its parent hormone, as a derivative, it still may cause some of the same effects. These may not show immediately, so more human testing is needed on the drug. In the meantime, bodybuilding websites are touting the drug as a "safe" way to "bulk up".