Lipo 6 Vs. Hot Rox
The Facts
Lipo-6 is created by a company called Nutrex Research. Lipo-6 promotes superior absorption of the fat-burning blend of ingredients through liquid capsules that dissolve as the body digests them, releasing the liquid into the system. Lipo-6 has several key ingredients. Synephrine hydrochloride accelerates the metabolic rate and mildly stimulates the central nervous system. Yohimbine hydrocholoride, an extract of the bark of a particular West African evergreen, blocks the alpha-2 receptors that are naturally released in the body's production of norepinephrine, leaving only the fat burning beta receptors. Acacia rigidula, claimed to be found only in Lipo-6, provides the body with phenylethylamine, which is said to decrease appetite and positively effect mood. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and suppresses appetite. Guggulesterones are proven to restore the lowered metabolic rate caused by a calorie deficit.
Hot Rox is formulated by a company called Biotest. Biotest claims that Hot Rox is the most advanced and well formulated weight loss supplement to arrive since the banning of ephedra. Biotest includes Vitamin B, caffeine, niacin and what Biotest calls its MDX Complex. The MDX Complex is a combination of guggulesterones, A7-E and sclaremax. A7-E was developed with the intention of boosting T3 hormone levels, which directly affects the rate of activity of enzymes breaking down fat in the body via greater lipase activity. Sclaremax, through the higher T3 levels of A7-E and guggulesterones, increases the formation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate, which increases lipase activity and ultimately leads to greater breakdown of fat. The MDX Complex blend works together to produce higher than average T3 hormone levels, which leads a greater breakdown of fat and less fat production.
As of 2009, Biotest's Hot Rox retails for $89 for a month's supply, which contains roughly 80 capsules. Nutrex Research's Lipo-6 retails for $59.95 and contains a month's supply of 120 liquid-capsules. Although many deals can be found when shopping around online for dietary supplements, Lipo-6 is clearly the more affordable option of the two.
Although both supplements sound fantastic on paper and the science behind the chosen ingredients is clearly there, there is much debate about the effectiveness of either Lipo-6 or Hot Rox. There is much debate about almost any weight loss supplement for that matter and because actual proven scientific results performed by independent parties are so hard to come by, it's extremely difficult to break it down to a simple yes-it-works or no-it-doesn't answer. The overall conclusion on the effectiveness of Lipo-6 or Hot Rox is that while either may certainly aid in the weight loss process, the actual effect as a result solely due to supplement use is almost negligible. Weight loss is more a direct effect of proper diet coupled with exercise than anything else. Most users praising these products tend to have greater results due to the increase in energy due to the extreme caffeine content and slight appetite reduction than the scientifically engineered fat-burning blends.
Because of the nature of these dietary supplements, with formulas constantly being updated, revamped and repackaged and without formal FDA approval of their stated claims, actual factual information regarding the safety and potential health risks are hard to come by. It is very important to speak with your doctor before using any sort of supplement. These products heat up your body's core temperature and stimulate the central nervous system, and therefore if any previous heart conditions are prevalent, it is very important to avoid such supplements. If your heartbeat starts to feel irregular, immediately discontinue use. Some of the ingredients found in these products, namely yohimbine hcl, are known to cause a feeling of nausea. Other side effects include gas and an increase of perspiration. With any weight loss dietary supplement, the actual effect on weight loss tends to be minimal and weight loss really only comes from the tried and true diet and exercise. There is no miracle pill.
Though there is no clear, knock-out winner, Lipo-6 comes out on top mainly due to its affordability and slightly better blend of ingredients. With weight loss supplements, it's really a matter of finding one that suits a particular person's bodily make up. Without trying, you will never know how a particular supplement will sit with your body. With Lipo-6 being significantly cheaper than Hot Rox, one can afford to test it out without considering it a major purchase.