Diet Using Acai & Colon Cleanse

Acai and colon cleanse is a generic diet which uses a colon cleansing pill made from the acai berry. The supplement is used to flush out all material which lines the inside of your colon. Debris from mostly processed food will latch on to the the walls of the colon, which over time will compact and can even lead to colon blockage. While using the acai colon cleansing pills you will want to follow a specific diet to help fight the buildup of plaque in the colon.
  1. Fruits and Vegetables

    • Fruits and vegetables are the best food group you can eat from while using the acai cleansing pills. This is because the food is not processed and is easy to digest. This will force the food through the digestive tract much quicker than any other food group you can eat from. Feel free to eat as much of these food groups as you want.

    Whole Wheat Bread

    • Stay away from white bread, which has loads of additives and comes from heavily processed grains. Stick with whole wheat bread, pasta, and rice. These have a high amount of fiber in them, which will stick to fat and carbohydrates and force them through the digestive track---without compacting the side of the colon walls and forming plaque.


    • Try to eat only lean meat such as turkey and chicken. These have low levels of carbohydrates and high levels of protein. You can eat other meat such as beef and pork, but make sure you only consume these kinds of meat in limited quantities.

    Food to Avoid

    • You will want to avoid processed food as much as possible. This is generally most, if not all fast food. Just about all of the food in a drive-through burger stand will have been processed and have a large amount of material which will end up sticking to the sides of the colon. Processed food is typically food which has a combination of different ingredients or food products mixed together (such as a hot dog). Also you will want to limit your intake of cheese because most cheese will not be adequate while using the acai supplement. The chemicals from the pasteurization can cling to the walls of your digestive track, just like the processed food.

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