The Fastest Weight Loss Pill
People are always looking for the quickest way to lose weight. Doctors say effective weight loss can only be achieved through diet change and exercise, yet an enormous market for diet pills has emerged promising a faster solution. Through personal experience, I can say that Hydroxycut is the fastest weight loss supplement on the market. My own experience is backed up by an article in World Journal of Gastroenterology. It states Hydroxycut has the highest share of the diet pill market.-
It's important to consult a doctor before starting any diet or exercise programs. Hydroxycut is purchased over the counter and is available at most grocery stores, pharmacies, vitamin stores, health food stores or online.
The program starts small with gradual dosage increases. The first three days one pill must be taken 30 minutes before every meal.Then increase the dosage to two pills before every meal for the next four days. After that, you take three pills before every meal for the remainder of the time you use the Hydroxycut bottles.
How Hydroxycut works
The pills help you lose weight quickly because they work as an appetite suppressant and are a great way to trick your body into thinking it's full.
The pills also speed up your heart rate, which makes your metabolism increase. Your heart pumping faster causes more calories to burn. The more calories that burn, the faster fat cells storing calories in your body will release. The faster the fat cells release, the quicker you lose weight.
Health warnings for Hydroxycut include possible liver damage, heart problems, stroke and death.
Hydroxycut's own study shows that in two eight-week studies in which all groups followed a diet and exercise plan, those who took Hydroxycut lost on average more weight than those who took a fake pill. One group lost an average of 15 pounds, while their placebo counterparts lost three pounds. In the second study, the Hydroxycut group lost 12.5 pounds and the placebo group lost 3.5 pounds.
To see the warning label and other important nutritional information, visit
My Story
I lost 40 pounds in five months while on Hydroxycut. The pills also gave me a ton of energy to exercise. My diet became healthier, but I still indulged in chicken fingers and pizza. If I had cut out those foods, the weight would have come off quicker. For fastest results, take Hydroxycut, exercise and eat small meals.
After leaving the Hydroxycut program, many gain some weight back, but I've been able to maintain my lifestyle without the excess weight. The added energy boost from Hydroxycut allows me to enjoy working out and I have since kept that routine up and am able to keep the weight off.