What Are the Best Over-the-Counter Diet Pills/Appetite Suppressants?
Thermadrol, manufactured by health care product producer Big Nutrition, was rated number one out of the top ten picks of over-the-counter diet pills by Weight Remedy. Thermadrol--which contains ingredients such as green tea extract, vitamin B6, citrus arantium, hydrocitric acid and apple cider vinegar--was found to provide effective appetite control without side effects such as shakiness or increased heart rate. Thermadrol is taken in capsule form and comes with a money-back guarantee. While pricing varies depending on retailer, typical costs as of October 2010 averaged $49.97 per bottle.
DecaSlim was rated one of the top three nonprescription diet pills on the market according to reviews by Sybervision. In addition, DecaSlim was rated one of the best dieting supplements for Women by Sybervision product reviewers for 2010. DecaSlim, which consists of ingredients such as BroccoPlus (Broccoli), Tonalin CLA, LinumLife extra flax seed and green tea, was highly rated due to its effectiveness in controlling appetite without side effects such as rapid heart beat or shakiness. In addition to its effectiveness in controlling appetite, DecaSlim has been reported to improve skin clarity and firmness according to users, although these benefits have not been verified by Sybervision Reviews. While costs vary by retailer, average prices as of October 2010 averaged $39.99.
Fenphedra, which was rated the Consumer's Choice for best diet pill for 2010 according to Sybervision Reviews, received high marks from the website's product review for its speed of results, safety and effectiveness in appetite suppression. Fenphedra works by stimulating the chemical in your brain that tells you it is full, causing your appetite levels to decrease, which results in decreased calorie intake and then in weight loss. In addition to being an effective weight loss supplement, Fenphedra has also been praised for its effectiveness as a mood elevator, containing Chocamine, which has been determined to reduce stress according to Sybervision.