Slimquick Warnings
Medical Conditions
According to the Slimquick Online website, Slimquick should not be used by people who have, or are at risk of having, certain medical conditions. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use the product. Do not use Slimquick if you have or are being treated for stroke, cardiac arrhythmias, high blood pressure, diabetes, pernicious anemia, as well as thyroid, liver or psychiatric diseases, anxiety, seizure disorder or depression. Additionally, if you are using an MAO inhibitor, or a prescription drug, consult your health-care provider before taking Slimquick.
Added Caffeine
According to the Get Diet Solution website, Slimquick is high in caffeine, with half of each capsule being made up of caffeine ingredients, with the rest of the Slimquick ingredients being little more than filler. While caffeine can be effective as a fat burner, too much is not healthy and can lead to addiction.
Side Effects During Use
When Slimquick is used, some individuals may experience side effects. According to the Body Building For You website, side effects associated with Slimquick use include reduced appetite, restlessness, feeling anxious and jittery, an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, sweating, and frequency of urination because of the diuretic ingredients. Frequent urination can result in dehydration. Additionally, side effects can also include headache, palpitations, tremors, sleeplessness, nervousness and dizziness.
Questionable Results
Slimquick has no scientific evidence proving it to be beneficial as a weight-loss supplement, according to the Vital Health Partners website. No clinical trials have been conducted to prove that Slimquick actually works.