Thermogenic Supplements
Thermogenic diet pills are said to increase the rate at which the human body can burn fat. Websites for these supplements, such as and, state that this is accomplished by generating body heat, which increases the metabolism.
Expert Insight
According to, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, a double blind study was conducted on a thermogenic supplement called "Meltdown." Six male participants were given a placebo, and six were given the supplement. The study showed the resting energy expenditure in the six men taking the thermogenic supplement to be higher than those who were given the placebo.
Andrew Weil, M.D., warns people to avoid these types of supplements, stating that the safest way to increase heat in the human body is through physical exercise. The doctor states that thermogenic supplements are generally comprised of potentially harmful combinations of herbal stimulants and caffeine.