Fruit & Algae Diet
The Diet
The fruit and algae diet is based on "Slim Force 7," a pill that contains grapefruit, lemon, orange, mango, pineapple and pomegranate acids and spirulina, a form of algae, according to the Slim Force 7 website. The company claims you can lose up to 2 lbs. a day by taking the pills and that you'll lose weight even if you don't change your eating habits, the Ultimate Fat website reports.
The Rationale
The makers of Slim Force 7 claim that the six fruits and algae keep the body from storing fat and help eliminate existing fat. The mixture of fruits and algae also allegedly builds lean muscle mass and speeds metabolism, the Slim Force 7 site says. The company also claims Slim Force 7 reduces appetite, detoxifies the body and supports digestion, according to the Diet Advisors website.
Unanswered Questions
The Slim Force 7 website touts the pills but doesn't provide the name of the company that produces them. And, the company is being investigated by regulatory agencies in Canada and the U.S. after failing to respond to an inquiry about its weight-loss claims lodged by the Council of Better Business Bureau's National Advertising Division. It's also not clear how much of any of the seven ingredients are in each pill.
The type of orange used in the pills contains synephrine, which acts as a bronchial dilator, the Slim Force 7 website says. The pineapple stem extract is a blood thinner. If you have a lung condition or are taking asthma medication or an anticoagulant, you should check with your doctor before taking these pills.
Bottom Line
It is unlikely that Slim Force 7 alone will lead to rapid weight loss. Many fad diets claim you'll lose weight quickly and keep it off, but that rarely happens. The website contains nothing but a list of ingredients and descriptions of them taken from other web sources and an order form. And, the unnamed company's advertising practices were under investigation by the FDA and the FTC in 2009, according to the Natural Products Insider website.