Risks of Acai Berry Products
According to Web MD, individuals with pollen allergies or hypersensitivity to acai, or similar berries, such as blueberries, should avoid this fruit for risk of allergy symptoms. Food allergy symptoms may include any combination of swelling of the throat, swelling of the face, rash or hives, itchy or watery eyes, congestion or trouble breathing.
Diarrhea and Stomach Cramps
Dr. Paul Gross reported that in 2007 two studies conducted on the acai berry concluded that the acai berry has a high fiber content: 35 percent. Because of this high fiber content, acai acts as a natural laxative. The laxative can cause you to have stomach cramps as it moves the waste along. Additionally, it helps soften hard stools sitting in the colon, which can lead to diarrhea.
Interference with Chemotherapy Drugs
Acai berry should not be taken by individuals receiving chemotherapy. The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center reports that due to the antioxident effect that the acai berry has, it may interfere with certain chemotherapy drugs and the actions the drugs are supposed to perform. The full effects are not known and further testing is being conducted.