What Are the Benefits of Phentermine?
The Benefit, and How It Works
Phentermine has proved effective in short-term use to kick-start a weight-loss program. Phentermine is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system and suppresses appetite. It must be prescribed by a doctor and, when used in conjunction with a proper diet and an exercise program, can be proven to help lose weight more effectively. It is only recommended to be prescribed for short-term use, but it is one of the most commonly prescribed weight loss medications, representing about 50% of prescriptions. The idea is that taking this medication initially to kick start a new lifestyle for a severely overweight individual has been proven more beneficial than diet and exercise alone.
Side Effects and Dosage
Alert your doctor to any side effects with this medication. There are several common side effects that must be considered when taking any new medication. Phentermine must be prescribed carefully and monitored as its chemical composition is very similar to an amphetamine, it can be abused and lead to dependency. The most commonly reported side effects are: insomnia, hyperactivity, restlessness, dizziness, euphoria, dysphoria, dry mouth, constipation, and sexual problems.
It is usually prescribed as a once a day, slow-release tablet, so if the side effects occur, typically speaking with a doctor about lowering or increasing slightly the dosage may help.
Warning Signs
The product Phentermine was previously combined with Fenfluramine, which created the commonly known Fen-Phen that is off the market. The combination of these two medications can create a deadly lung disorder called pulmonary hypertension. Difficulty breathing, high blood pressure, blue lips, swollen ankles are all warning signs to call the doctor immediately. It is important to discuss any new medications and side effects with a health care professional when using this medication