Dangerous Effects of Diet Pills
We are meant to believe that diet pills sold over the counter are safe, but this is not always true. Not all diet pills are FDA approved. Weight loss pills are not magic. They will assist in weight loss, but they cannot replace a healthy diet or an exercise routine, which are necessary for healthy weight loss.
Diet pills can become habit forming and can be abused. The types of diet pills that are abused tend to be those that are stimulant-based. Many diet pills are appetite suppressants and contain caffeine and phenylpropanolamine (a drug that is used to control the appetite). The reason these pills are addictive is that an immediate weight loss is achieved and the user becomes emotionally dependent on them.
Effects on the Heart
Taking diet pills can have an impact on the heart rate and the heart's normal rhythm. When taking diet pills, you may feel edgy, nervous and jittery. Diet pills can speed up the heart rate to rates that feel out of control, with beats up to 200 beats per minute. This condition is called tachycardia and is dangerous.
Effects on Fluid Loss
Some diet pills are designed to lose weight through the loss of fluids. These are known as diuretics. With the loss of body fluids comes the loss of nutrients and electrolytes. Too much fluid loss, if not replenished, can be dangerous especially if this loss includes potassium and sodium.
Effects on the Digestive System
Diet pills can cause havoc in the digestive system, including stomach pain. They can cause vomiting and nausea. This can lead to a loss of liquids and nutrients, and the individual can become dehydrated. Diet pills can also cause the bowels to become blocked.
If you are seeking help with weight loss, it is always best to consult your doctor or dietitian before taking any diet pills. Maintaining a well-balanced diet with exercise and an approved weight loss pill will help shed those extra pounds. Make sure you are aware of all the side effects of the diet pill you are taking.