The Best Seaweed Slimming Products
Sea Kelp
Sea kelp is from the algae family, and certain types are used as a health supplement, because of sea kelp's effect on the thyroid. Reportedly, it can help speed up the metabolism because of its iodine content, apparently helping the body burn calories and lose weight faster. It is available in powder form, capsules and tablets.
Brown Algae
Brown algae contains a pigment called fukoxanthin that can reduce the accumulation of fat in the body, in particular abdominal fat. Tests conducted on rats and mice showed that the fukoxanthin targeted white adipose tissue, usually found in the abdominal area. Products made with brown algae, such as Meratol, are available in capsule form.
Oarweed contains a type of fiber called bioginate complex, which acts as an appetite suppressant. The fiber sends signals to the brain telling it the stomach is full, and is effective for several hours as it resists stomach acid.
A doctor must always be consulted before you embark on any sort of diet, and cutting out important nutrients drastically is not recommended. Health experts also admit that while seaweed slimming pills may help people lose weight, they can only do so as part of a healthy diet and if regular exercise is taken. It is also too soon to be able to tell whether they offer long-term weight loss.