How to Become Skinny Without Pills
Consume 500 fewer calories every day. Eat smaller portions at meals or eat several smaller meals throughout the day instead of three big meals. This reduces hunger and prevents you from eating in binges. The online health resource Family Doctor recommends eating five to six smaller meals during the day, two to three hours apart.
Stop drinking your calories. Replace sugary sodas and fruit drinks with water. Limit your consumption of alcohol during the week.
Exercise, even if its only 10 minutes a day. Plan an exercise regimen that is enjoyable and achievable for you. Make time to exercise every day with just a few extra changes. For example, take the stairs at work instead of the elevator and park further from the door at the mall. Pick an exercise that you enjoy doing and can do two to three times a week, such as playing basketball with your friends or taking a dance class.
Ask a friend or family member to join you when working out. Instead of waiting for a diet pill to start working, create a close bond with someone else while doing a fun exercise routine; this will motivate you to maintain that routine.
Stop eating out. Cook fresh and healthy meals at home. Eating out can be unhealthy and expensive. Make the time to prepare meals in advance for the week. Take left-overs to work with you for lunches. Preparation is key to losing weight and becoming skinny.
Use a scale to track your progress. Weigh yourself every week or every month. Avoid becoming obsessed with losing the pounds. It is not necessary to weigh yourself every day or more than once a day, because the number on the scale constantly changes; weight is generally the lowest first thing in the morning, highest around dinner time. Instead, focus on small attainable goals. According to the National Heart Blood and Lung Institute, becoming skinny is about reshaping your body. "Shaping is a behavioral technique in which you select a series of short term goals that get you closer and closer to the ultimate goal."
Keep a diet and exercise journal to track your weight loss. Diet pills do not solve the emotional reasons why people gain weight. Seeing in writing an honest account of why you overeat and your excuses for skipping the gym may enlighten you, if not motivate you, to change your life. It may also show you where your diet needs adjusting if your weight loss has stalled.