The Precautions for Metabo UltraMax
Ingredient: Chromium Polynicotinate
Chromium polynicotinate is a mineral that is fairly common ingredient in weight loss supplements. It helps to improve metabolism and can often be consumed safely. However, according to WebMD, for some individuals already suffering from liver or kidney problems, chromium polynicotinate can aggravate these conditions. As it is a key ingredient in Metabo UltraMax, this supplement should be avoided by these people.
Ingredient: Korean Ginseng
Ginseng is another familiar ingredient. It is very common in Eastern medicine and has also become a common treatment in Western medicine, as it can improve the strength of the immune system. However, ginseng can also cause hypoglycemia and insomnia for people sensitive to those condition, according to Cell Health Makeover website.
Ingedient: Calcium Pyruvate
Another primary ingredient in Metabo UltraMax is calcium pyruvate, which can often be consumed safely in smaller doses. However, according to the website, I Health Directory, in larger doses or for certain people, this ingredient can cause gas or diarrhea.
Ingredients: L-Tyrosine and L-Phenylalanine
L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine are essential amino acids, which are often used to improve mood and mental acuity. However, phenylalanine can cause high blood pressure and both phenylalanine and tyrosine amino acids may increase the rate of cell division for those suffering from cancer, according to the Life Extensions website. These ingredients should be avoided by people with either high blood pressure or cancer.
When you are considering taking any over-the-counter supplement, including those for weight loss, be aware of all the ingredients and how they could affect you and any pre-existing conditions you may have.