Facts on Juice Plus
Juice Plus comes in the form of juice powder concentrates and is meant to be a daily complement to an already healthy diet. It offers nutritional benefits from 17 fruits, vegetables and grains. Among these antioxidants are pectin from apples, vitamin C from pineapples and peaches, and folate and iron from beets.
Research Findings
Natural Alternative International and the National Safety Associates fund most of the studies surrounding Juice Plus, at least partially. One study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2003 states that Juice Plus can help increase antioxidants, vitamins and folate in the body. However, a report published in 2006 in the Medicine Science Sports Exercise journal stated that the results are not much different from taking a common vitamin C supplement.
The traditional Juice Plus garden blend, which mixes the dietary benefits of 17 fruits, vegetables and grains, is most widely available in powdered form, but also is sold as chewables, with tapioca and organic cane syrup as sweeteners. A vineyard blend is also available, adding additional benefits from grapes and berries, also available as a powder or chewable.