How to Take Caffeine With Lipo-6
Things You'll Need
- Coffee, tea, soda pop, energy drinks, chocolate bars
Make a doctor's appointment to discuss this product before purchasing Lipo-6. The main ingredient in Lipo-6 is synephrine, which is a stimulant similar to ephedrine. It also contains caffeine and yohimbine. Your doctor may recommend another method for weight loss such as eating healthy, smaller portions, an exercise program, and/or reducing fat and calorie consumption. Ensure that you tell your doctor the ingredients in Lipo-6 so that he is aware of the stimulants involved as well as their dosage amounts.
Read the product label on a bottle of Lipo-6, specifically the ingredients and dosage of caffeine in each capsule. Alternatively, go to the Nutrex website to determine this information. Read the instructions for daily use so you are familiar with how many capsules you are to take every day on the Lipo-6 weight-loss program.
Familiarize yourself with the recommended daily dosage of caffeine for an adult, or the safe amount of caffeine per day. Many believe that you should consume no more than 300 to 500 mg a day of caffeine and that exceeding 700 mg in one day can be dangerous.
Calculate how many capsules of Lipo-6 you can safely take a day. The Lipo-6 instructions specify taking 4 capsules a day after the fourth day on the program. Since each capsule contains 200 mg of caffeine, you will ingest 800 mg of caffeine daily through this product if you take 4 capsules. Consider taking 1/2 or 3/4 the dose if you desire to still use other products containing caffeine. Use the Internet to look up how many mg's of caffeine are in the products you want to include, such as coffee, tea, energy drinks or soda pop. Read the information in the websites provided in the Resource section to learn the amounts of caffeine in certain drinks and chocolate bars. If you take 2 capsules per day and you want to stay under 700 mg caffeine per day, you can, for example, ingest 300 mg of caffeine in different forms.
Calculate the amount of caffeine in the products you are considering adding to your diet, such as coffee, tea, cola and chocolate. One cup of coffee can contain between 90 and 150 mg of caffeine. If your aim is to stay below 700 mg of caffeine in one day and you decide to take 2 capsules, check the amount of caffeine in your coffee of choice. If it contains 150 mg of caffeine, do not drink more than two cups in one day. Or consider drinking instant coffee, which contains between 60 and 80 mg's of caffeine. That way you can include a chocolate bar that day as well, or perhaps take an additional capsule.