The Best Fat Burner Pills
Green Tea Pills
Green tea extract may help burn fat. Green tea extract works by increasing the metabolism of fats and calories and also by in decreasing appetite. It is rated possibly safe to use, but there is not yet enough information to confirm its effectiveness, explains Mayo Clinic Staff. Green tea extract contains substances known as polyphenols, of which catechin components play the main role for burning fat. If you are considering taking green tea pills, read the label carefully and take only under the supervision of your practitioner.
Alli, is the only FDA-approved over-the-counter weight loss aid. This drug mainly works by decreasing the absorption of fat from the intestines. Its main active ingredient is orlistat. A stronger strength prescription form of this medication is also available under the name Xenical. Users may expect to lose an average of three to five pounds a year, along with approximately eight pounds from diet and exercise alone, according to May Clinic Staff. Reports of rare liver injury are being investigated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
A glass of milk from pastured cows contains lots of CLA. CLA, found naturally in dairy and meat products, works by reducing body fat and building muscle. It is considered possibly safe and effective, by Mayo Clinic Staff. Research conducted at the University of Toronto by Drs. Venket Rao and Kathee Andrews suggests that taking CLA supplements along with green tea may ultimately result in a significant loss of body weight.