Seven-Day Detoxification Diet
The seven-day detoxification diet requires that you add supplements to your daily routine. This is not mandatory however, but it is something that should be considered in order to make the most of the detoxification process. The supplements that are recommended should include natural ingredients such as fennel, flax seed oil and senna. These ingredients are supposed to absorb the toxins in the colon and help flush them out of the system.
What to Eat
The first three days of the detox diet are crucial for the detoxification process. Therefore, for these three days it is recommended that only water, fruit and vegetables be consumed. Fruit and vegetables should be eaten in their raw form in order to preserve the vitamins and minerals and aid in the detoxification process. On the fourth day, cooked vegetables and brown rice can be added and after that, dairy products and fish can slowly be re-introduced. At least eight-large glasses of water should be consumed daily.
Although there is little scientific evidence that detox programs are indeed beneficial, the claims state that there are significant overall benefits. Some of these benefits are said to include a stronger immune system, eradication of sugar cravings, cleansing the blood of toxins, weight loss and an improvement to the appearance of the eyes, skin and hair.