Extreme Diet Methods
Master Cleanse Diet
The Master Cleanse diet is similar to a fast. Aside from water, the only thing that can be consumed on the diet is a special lemonade. The diet lasts for 10 days, and no food can be consumed during this time. To make the lemonade, mix 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice, 2 tbsp. maple syrup, 1/10 tsp. cayenne pepper and 8 oz. water. The diet allows a person to consume up to 12 glasses a day of the special lemonade. Even with 12 glasses a day, a person will still not get the recommended amount of calories needed. When calories are restricted, the results are weakness and fatigue.
Baby Food Diet
The Baby Food Diet is a diet that can be used as a healthy way of supplementing snacks, but more often than not, it is taken to extreme lengths and used to supplement all meals. The theory behind baby food is that it is extremely healthy food because it is unprocessed and completely natural. Baby food passes through the system easily because the body is not having to process any additives. The small portions equal out to 25 to 110 calories per jar, depending on the food inside the jar. If a jar of baby food is used to replace a snack of chips, it is a healthy way to keep from eating excessive calories. Some people take the diet too far and limit themselves to seven jars of baby food a day and nothing else. This method could drastically limit the amount of calories a person receives a day, which is unhealthy if done for long periods of time.
The Tapeworm Diet
The Tapeworm Diet is an extremely dangerous diet that put's a person's health in danger. It involves ingesting tapeworm cysts and letting them grow inside the body for 10 weeks. The theory behind the diet is that you can eat whatever you want with the tapeworm inside of you, because the tapeworm will eat the food inside of the stomach, keeping you from gaining weight. After the 10 weeks, special medication is taken to eliminate the tapeworm from the body. There are multiple problems with this diet. The first problem is that there is no guarantee the tapeworm will easily leave a person's system. It could even travel to other parts of the body, like the heart or liver. The second problem is that even if everything goes correctly, the tapeworm keeps the person from receiving the nutrients they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.