How to Start a Liquid Diet
Things You'll Need
- Permission from your doctor
- Menu plan
- Juice or shake recipes
Talk to your Doctor
Talk to your doctor or physician about your diet plan. Not everyone can go on liquid diets safely: some diets entail very low calorie amounts which can cause malnutrition. Missing essential nutrients can lead to side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, hair loss, gallstones, cold intolerance, electrolyte imbalance and heart damage.
Consult with a registered dietitian after your doctor gives you approval to start a liquid diet . She can help you start a regimen of vitamins and supplements so you don't deprive your body of essential nutrients. Additionally, most liquid diets are temporary--lasting from three days to two weeks--so you might want guidance to help prevent weight regain when you start consuming solid foods regularly again.
Stock your cabinets with plenty of liquids, whether you plan to consume a specific diet drink or make your own shakes or smoothies with fruits and vegetables. Rid your cabinets of foods that might tempt you to stray, or ask your spouse or family members to hide them out of sight.
Watch for adverse side effects while on your diet, such as dehydration, irregular pulse, fever, weakness or lightheadedness. If you experience any of these symptoms, call your health care provider immediately to discuss your options.