Three-Day Runway Diet
Using fresh blended fruit for a three-day cleansing fast is a way of dropping weight fast. For breakfast in the three-day fast, Runway Ready recommends mixing fruit juice and bananas, strawberries, grapes, raspberries, mango, pineapple, blueberries, and also flax oil and acidophilus powder. It is suggested to take any leftovers and freeze it into ice cubes; that way you can use those cubes as added juice in the morning.
Lunch is blended juices like apple, pear and strawberry or pear, grape and raspberry adding a drop of ginger juice. According to All Women's Talk, always drink as much water as you can each day, at least 64 oz. to flush your system of toxins and keep you from feeling hungry. For other juice meals, you can create these different combinations according to Runway Ready; tomato, celery, carrot, spinach and garlic juice, or cucumber, pear, apple, carrot and beet juice.
The dinner "juice" is actually a broth. You need a stock pot and spring water plus onion, basil, celery, red and green peppers, cabbage, eggplant, green beans, garlic, tomato, potato, spinach, cucumber, carrots, and broccoli. Simmer on low for eight to 10 hours, take all vegetables out of the stock and either throw them out or find another use for them.
All Women's Talk also suggests a seven-day cleanse to be runway ready, such as the Master Cleanse. As a meal replacement, you mix a drink of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup.