What Foods Do You Eat for A Complete Body Cleanse?

Nutrition is an essential part of a full body cleanse. Processed and packaged foods may hinder a body's ability to naturally digest food and detoxify itself. It is best to consume whole foods during a full body cleanse because healthy nutrition allows the body to function properly.
  1. Fruits

    • Fruit is a natural body cleanser.

      Eat seasonal whole foods to maximize the benefits of natural foods. Easy to find fruits are melons, pears, apples, bananas, plums, peaches, nectarines, grapes, oranges, grapefruit and berries. Try more exotic fruits like mangoes, papaya and coconut in moderation, as they tend to have higher fat content.


    • Vegetables provide a satisfying crunch during snack time.

      Dark, leafy green vegetables are an excellent source of nutrients. Other vegetables to eat during a full body cleanse are tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beets, zucchini, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, squash and potatoes.

    Eating Raw Fruits and Vegetables

    • Drink water while performing a body cleanse.

      Raw fruits and vegetables can be difficult to eat during a full body cleanse, as most people are not used to unsweetened or unaltered foods. Extra virgin olive oil in moderate amounts can be used for salad dressings. Mix crushed berries with olive oil for a flavored dressing. Drink water frequently in addition to the fruits and vegetables.

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