Undigested Food in the GI Track & Weight Gain
Function of the Colon
Another term for the colon is the large intestine. According to WebMD, its job is to form stool by removing water, salt and nutrients from food as it travels into the large intestine. The walls are naturally lined with mucus and healthy bacteria to assist the contents through the colon.
Fecal Build-up
WebMD states that it is unlikely the colon needs to be cleansed. The colon naturally casts off old cells every three days. This prevents the build-up the colon cleansing products say is causing weight gain. However, WebMD does state that "a wide range of symptoms caused by constipation can be relieved by enemas" and that colon cleansing might have a similar effect although it is largely untested.
Colon Cleansing
The most natural way to cleanse the colon is through a high fiber diet. WebMD says the normal American diet provides 10 to 15 grams a day but the body really needs 20 to 35 grams.In terms of colon cleansing, one of the safest options available seems to be colon irrigation that is performed by a trained professional with the proper equipment. WebMD states that 5,600 colon irrigation procedures are conducted in Britain each month and "no serious side effects have been reported."