Detox Your Body & Lose 5 Pounds
Things You'll Need
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Legumes
- Optional dietary supplements
- Bowel cleansing products
- Blender
Seven Day Detox Diet
Clear your schedule for one week prior to beginning a seven day detox program. Prepare for detox. Detox diets, especially when coupled with colon cleansing procedures, will cause an increase in bowel movements and function. Before you begin a detox program, clear your calendar of work and other responsibilities. Stock up on household supplies and grocery items as well.
Do not drink, smoke or use caffeine during a detox program. Eliminate all animal products from your diet. This includes all types of meats, all dairy products and eggs. Also, eliminate all forms of sugar including refined white sugar, artificial sweeteners and all products containing high fructose corn syrup and other forms of sweeteners. Do not consume alcohol or tobacco. Eliminate caffeine and products containing caffeine such as soda, energy drinks and products containing chocolate.
Nuts and seeds should be eaten on days one and two, as well as days six and seven. Consume vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, brown or wild rice (no white rice) quinoa, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, seeds- especially flax-seed, nuts, and legumes (peas and all types of beans.) Drink eight to ten glasses of water, decaffeinated teas such as green tea, peppermint tea, chamomile or ginger. Drink organic fruit juices diluted with warm water. Include vitalizing drinks and detox broths as part of your liquid intake.
Vitalizing Drink:
Process the following ingredients together, using a kitchen blender:
1 cup water
1 scoop Whey
1 tbs. flax-seed oil
1 cup fresh or frozen berries
8 ice cubes, or as desired
1 tbs. milled flax-seeds
Basic Detox Broth
10 cups filtered water
6 cups chopped mixed organic veggies
Fresh or dried herbs and spices, such as bay leaf, oregano, lemongrass, fennel, and ginger.
Simmer on low heat for at least two hours.
Detox baths are recommended before bed each night. Eliminate grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts on the third day of your detox program. Eat only fruits and vegetables, preferably organic and fresh. Sauna therapy, detox baths and light exercise should also be a part of your detox program. Sauna therapy increases sweat production, helping to eliminate toxins from the body. Light exercise increases circulation, which promotes detoxification, and aids in weight loss. Exercises recommended include yoga, and stretching exercises, rather than calisthenics or aerobics.
A detox bath contains salt, which may help draw toxins out of the body.
To make a homemade detox bath combine the following ingredients:
1 cup sea salts
2 cups baking soda
1 cup Epsom salts
1 to 2 tablespoons glycerin per bath
Add 1/4 cup to hot, running bath water.
Bowel cleansing products cause diarhea within a few hours of use. Cleanse your bowels. This can be done with a variety of products. Magnesium Citrate, Bentonite Clay or Activated Charcoal and saline Fleet Enemas are all possible choices for cleansing the bowels. This should be done only once during a seven day detox program. Using these products more often will not help you lose weight faster. Overuse of these products can cause serious health complications.
Drink plenty of fluids, especially water and diluted juice. Undergo a one day fast. Generally on the fourth day of the detox program a one day fast is observed. This step is not always recommended, and it is discouraged by many health care professionals. If you choose to observe a 24 hour fast, physical exertion and exercise should be kept at a minimum, in order to avoid health complications. Drink plenty of fluids and use dietary supplements. Do not undergo a bowel cleanse or use colon cleansing products while fasting.
Eat fruits and vegetables only only day five. Repeat the diet you used on day three for one day following a fast. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and drink large amounts of liquids. Avoid seeds, nuts and legumes on the fifth day of the detox program.
Reintroduce seeds and nuts on the sixth day of your detox program. Reintroduce seeds, nuts and legumes to your diet for the last two days of the detox program. After day seven reintroduce natural, healthy foods to your diet. It is recommended that you continue to eat a diet which is rich in plant proteins, and includes a large amount of organic fruits and vegetables.