List of Liquid Foods
For Some Surgeries
Sometimes liquid diets are required for people who will undergo procedures such as colonoscopies and sigmoidoscopies, both of which involve the colon. Usually patients are allowed only clear liquid foods, which are liquids that are absolutely transparent. A clear liquid diet before the procedure allows the patient to flush the bowels while decreasing strain on the digestive system. Usually the only foods allowed in such cases are coffee, tea, sports drinks and broth. Sometimes juices are permitted if they are strained first.
Physicians will usually give patients a set of guidelines to follow before they take on such a diet. Those who undergo bariatric surgery, which is a form of weight-loss surgery, sometimes ingest only clear liquid foods for days after the procedure.
For Feeding Tubes
Liquid foods that go into feeding tubes don't necessarily have to be clear. However, if someone requires a feeding tube, this means the liquid diet has to be closely monitored to make sure the patient is getting the proper amount of calories and nutrients. Usually a physician is consulted to make sure the patient is getting a good diet.
Almost any food can be cooked and blended into a consistency that will allow feeding through a tube. Ideally, meats and poultry should be thoroughly softened in order to liquefy well. Liquid foods fed through a tube should also be served only slightly warm or at room temperature, as it is being delivered directly into the digestive system. Very hot or very cold liquid foods could shock the patient's digestive tract if directly fed through feeding tubes.
For Intestinal Issues
Clear liquid foods generally help anyone suffering intestinal or stomach issues that result in vomiting or diarrhea. A diet for such a malady usually involves broths and other liquid foods that contain mostly sugar and water. This excludes all solids, milk products and citrus juices.
Examples of such liquid foods include snack drinks such as juice boxes, Jell-O, Popsicles, non-citrus juices such a cranberry and grape, and non-caffeinated and non-artificially sweetened sodas. This diet will help keep a person suffering from vomiting or diarrhea hydrated without aggravating intestinal walls, which may be infected.