How do I Detoxify the Colon to Lose Belly Weight?

Colon cleansing started in ancient Greece and was prevalent in the United States during the 1920s and 1930s. A recent resurgence is responsible for new powders and potions promising everything from weight loss and improved immunity to amplified mood.
  1. The Theory

    • The theory states that the waste buildup releases toxins into the bloodstream.

      The idea behind colon cleansing is the theory of autointoxication. According to WebMD this theory states "that undigested meat and other foods cause mucus buildup in the colon." This can cause headache, weight gain and low energy.

    How it Works

    • Supplements include laxatives, herbal teas, enzymes, powders and anti-parasite pills.

      WebMD states there are two methods to colon cleansing, which in essence forcibly expels the contents of the colon. The first is a do-it-yourself method with supplements you take rectally or by mouth. The second method is seeing a therapist for irrigation.

    Waste Removal

    • Some ads promise weight loss of up to 10 pounds.

      The idea is to clean out the waste that is stuck to the colon walls. WebMD states that it is unlikely the colon needs this assistance because of natural bacteria which detoxify waste and the shedding of cells every three days which prevents buildup.


    • Include soluble and insoluble fiber sources like cereal and fruit.

      According to WebMD, as long as irrigations are performed by professionals with the correct equipment, "the risk of severe effects is low." The government does not regulate the supplements available for home cleansing, so safety of that method has not been confirmed. However, increasing fiber intake to 20 to 35 grams a day can have natural colon-cleansing benefits and can help weight loss efforts by making you feel fuller.

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