Alkaline Foods for Breakfast

The alkaline diet is based on a theory that different foods, depending on their mineral content, can have different effects on the body. On this diet, people try to eat foods thought to cause the body to become more alkaline, resulting in a better pH balance. Although the diet may seem restrictive, you can eat a whole host of alkaline-rich foods for breakfast.
  1. Fruits

    • Fruit is an important part of a healthy, balanced breakfast, so it's good to know that most fruits are encouraged on the alkaline diet. Citrus fruits tend to be the most alkalizing, so add grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, lemons and limes to your morning routine. Tomatoes and coconuts are some of the most alkalizing fruits out there, so don't hesitate to have them with breakfast.

      Sour cherries and unripe bananas are also recommended on this diet. Most fruits are at least in the neutral range, but watch out for things like cranberries, raspberries, pomegranates and ripe bananas, since they are on the acidic side of the spectrum.

    Grains and Legumes

    • Although most grains and legumes tend to be acidifying, there are a few you can incorporate into this diet. Spelt, for example, is an adequate option for breakfast, since many health food companies make breads from this grain. You can use soy flour to make your very own breads at home for your morning toast.

      Tofu is another alkaline food that you can incorporate into your breakfast. Try making a Southwest-style scramble with tofu and white navy beans instead of eggs and black beans. Oats and rye bread are relatively neutral grains you can add to your breakfast routine as well.


    • Several kinds of nuts and other proteins are permitted every morning on the alkaline diet. Avocado, for example, is one of the more alkalizing foods out there, and it goes well as a side with breakfast. Almonds are another useful addition since the fat and protein will keep you energized all day. You can even purchase raw almond butter for topping a slice of spelt toast.

    Seasonings and Oils

    • If you are looking to add a little extra flavor to your breakfast, cooking oils and seasonings could be just right. Stevia is one of the only sweeteners recommended on this diet. But cinnamon, chili pepper, ginger and all the fresh herbs you can think of would be solid additions to your breakfast. Try cooking your foods in raw coconut oil, sesame oil, flax seed oil or evening primrose oil. You can even use these oils to top a piece of bread or fruit.

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