Anabolic Diet Tips

The anabolic diet is a type of low-carb diet based on the premise of forcing the body to burn fat, rather than carbohydrates, for fuel. This diet cycles between longer low-carb phases, often on weekdays, and brief high-carb phases, often on weekends.

Following an anabolic diet and switching between phases may seem difficult at first, but with the approval of your doctor and guidance from nutrition and health experts, you can safely implement the anabolic diet into your weight-loss program.
  1. Starting the Anabolic Diet

    • When beginning the anabolic diet, you may experience symptoms such as fatigue and dizziness. These should fade after 24 to 48 hours, but if they do not, you should contact your doctor immediately.

      You may feel tired and lethargic at first, too, as your body learns to burn fat rather than carbohydrates for energy. The tiredness should fade after your first high-carb phase. In the meantime, don't overexert yourself.

      In the beginning stages of the diet, you may experience diarrhea or constipation as your body adapts. Make sure to stay hydrated and eat plenty of low-carb dark green vegetables like spinach to boost your fiber intake. You may also wish to begin taking 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds per day or a fiber supplement to ensure you are getting your daily recommended amount of dietary fiber.

      You may also experience strong cravings for carbs. As long as you ignore these cravings and stick to the diet, these cravings will lessen in a few days.

    The Low-Carb Phases

    • During low-carb phases of the diet, try to incorporate healthy low-carbohydrate vegetables and other healthy low-carbohydrate foods. Don't take the diet's restrictions as an excuse to overindulge in food that is low in carbs but high in saturated fat.

      Watch your condiments--some sugary condiments can be surprisingly high in carbohydrates.

      If you crave soda or sweets, try consuming diet sodas or artificial sweeteners to help keep you on your diet.

    The High-Carb Phases

    • During high-carb phases be sure to incorporate healthy, high-fiber whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Consuming white bread, sugar, or junk food will not fuel your body for optimal performance or weight loss.

      Do not be tempted to skip the high-carb phase, because it is designed to replenish your stores of glycogen and fuel your workouts for the coming week.

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