Water & Salt Diet
What Is the Water and Salt Diet?
The water and salt diet, also known as the salt water flush, consists of eating only small amounts of light food and sipping salt and water throughout the day. This diet is usually done by drinking two quarts of a salt water concoction upon waking in the morning. Follow this up by eating only lightly throughout the day, continuing this detox for a full week. Some people continue with this cleanse for up to three weeks, only drinking the salt water every other day during the second week and every third day during the third week.
The only thing that people need to purchase to follow the salt water flush is sea salt. People are warned never to use table salt for this diet. The salt water drink that is made consists of two quarts of lukewarm water and two teaspoons of sea salt. This should be consumed in the morning before eating any food. This is supposed to cause a bowel movement.
Side Effects
The salt water flush is not known to have many adverse side effects. The drink causes fast bowel movements shortly after being consumed, but this is recognized as a benefit to doing a flush. The purpose of detox diets is to cleanse the body and rid the intestines of toxins that have built up over time.
Many doctors warn patients against doing body detox diets. Health professionals believe that the body does a fine job of cleansing the digestive track on its own without any sort of flush. Another warning is the amount of sodium intake required by this diet. One teaspoon of salt contains 2,400 mg of sodium. This means that one day's sodium intake on the salt water flush is 4,800 mg, which is 3,300 mg over the daily recommended salt intake.
Healthy Diet Tips
For anyone looking to lose weight and help the body feel cleaner and healthier, it is more widely recommended to just follow a healthy diet. This means eating the right amount of calories as calculated for one's individual body type. Healthy eating also means consuming eight glasses of water each day and trying to stick to eating fresh, low fat foods. Healthy vitamins and minerals are the best way to ensure that the body is in top shape.