Liquid Protein Diets
Velocity Diet
The Velocity (or "V") Diet is a liquid protein diet created to help dieters lose as much weight as possible within 28 days. Unlike many other liquid protein diets, the V-Diet is not so much about starvation as it is about intelligent replacement of unhealthy alternatives. On this plan, you will be consuming five shakes per day (six on training days), with one healthy solid meal per week. For a 200-pound man, this averages out to between 1500 and 2000 calories a day, making this is a livable option for dieters prone to hunger pangs.
Velocity Diet Nutrition
The diet contains more than just pure protein, however. Healthy fats are included in the form of peanut butter, almond butter, and oils to provide the body with required nutrients. Although vitamin and mineral needs on an all-liquid plan are always questionable, for an otherwise healthy adult looking to lose a few pounds, 28 days without fruits and vegetables (except for the weekly healthy solid meal) should not prove nutritionally devastating.
Slim Fast
Of course, the traditional liquid protein diet is the Slim Fast plan. This plan revolves around a meal replacement shake for both breakfast and lunch, with a sensible solid meal at dinner. Slim Fast is perhaps one of the most heavily studied diet plans of all time, making it a safe and healthy choice for risk-adverse dieters who do not want to experience the possible pitfalls of an untested plan. The only real disadvantage to Slim Fast is a lack of satiety, as the plan does not provide nearly as many calories as plans like the Velocity Diet.
Slim Fast Tips
One major complaint to consider from long-term Slim Fast dieters is that the flavor of the shakes becomes tiresome after awhile. To alleviate this concern, you should purchase a wide variety of flavors and rotate them regularly to avoid the potential for dieting boredom. As most cheating occurs due to the blandness of diet foods, sidestepping this pitfall from the start will help you get the most out of your time on the Slim Fast plan.
Remember that for all of their effectiveness, the real battle when undergoing a liquid diet is keeping the weight off after the diet is concluded. Thus, as you gradually lose weight over the course of your time on these plans, you should strive to reeducate yourself about healthy eating habits so you are not cast adrift on a sea of poor food choices when your liquid diet comes to a close.