Protein Liquid Shake Diet
How to Lose Weight With Protein Shakes
Many commercial liquid protein shakes are canned or in powdered form. Read the label before deciding on a type of shake. Select the ones that are lowest in refined sugar, salt and have at least 10 g of protein for 200 calories. Many will also have vitamins and minerals. If you already take a multivitamin, don't duplicate iron.
To lose weight, drink one liquid protein shake for breakfast or lunch and have two balanced meals. Even on a diet, consume at least 1,200 calories if you are female and at least 5 feet tall and at least 1,600 calories if you are male.
Don't Consume Only Protein Drinks
Resist the temptation to consume only protein shakes, three or four times a day as a way to crash diet. You get protein and perhaps vitamins but not important soluble and insoluble fiber that is needed to remain regular. Also, it's likely you will regain whatever weight you lose once you return to eating solid food. It will also be difficult to not binge when you are trying to follow a liquid protein shake diet.
Do not consume fewer than 1,200 calories a day. That could send a signal to your body that it is in a famine state, and your metabolism will slow down, burning fewer calories. The body begins to metabolize its muscle tissue during crash diets. Only obese people who are under direct medical supervision should consider consuming only high-protein, low-calorie drinks.
Are Protein Shake Diets Effective?
Yes and no. In the short term, you can drink a protein shake for breakfast and eat two regular meals and healthy snacks. View the MyPyramid by the USDA to see the guidelines on how to lose weight safely and permanently.
For many people who skip breakfast, having a high-protein, low-sugar, low-salt protein drink may satisfy a craving for donuts at 10 a.m. You can also choose to have instant oatmeal, yogurt cups and unsweetened trail mix instead.