Water-Chestnut-Soup Diet
Choosing Water Chestnuts
Fresh water chestnuts can be difficult to find but are ideal for extracting the healing powers found in the root. Choose those that appear firm with no exterior wrinkling. Leave the skin on until just before you're ready to cook. You can store the water chestnuts in a plastic bag kept in a cool, dry, dark place for up to a week.
Canned water chestnuts are readily available and easy to find at grocery stores. Once they've been opened they will also store for a week. Keep them submerged in water in the refrigerator. Change water daily.
Preparing Water Chestnuts for Cooking
Make sure to wash the root thoroughly to remove any traces of dirt. Using a sharp knife, cut skin from the white flesh underneath. Make sure to cut off any brown or discolored patches and throw them away. Once they've been peeled you may store them for a few days in cold water with a few drops of lemon juice. The acid in the lemon will prevent the water chestnuts from turning brown. You may use water chestnuts in their whole state, halved, diced into small squares, cut into julienne strips or puréed into a smooth paste.
Finding Balance
Follow the "Yin and Yang" principle when it comes to your diet. The idea is finding a balance between your life and the food you eat. If you've had a stressful day, consume foods that nurture you such as whole grains, green leafy vegetables, herbal teas and yes, water-chestnut soup. By making these foods the mainstay of your diet, good health and weight loss are sure to ensue.