Acai Berry and Cleanse Diet

The acai berry cleanse is perfect for anyone looking to give themselves a total body detox. This specific diet helps to target the organs of the body that tend to hold on to toxins from food and other things we ingest, including medications.
  1. About the Acai Berry

    • The acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry is a superfood grown in Brazil that is considered organic. It's derived from a certain type of palm tree in the Amazon.

    What It Tastes Like

    • Acai berries are popular because they taste like a blend of chocolate and berries, which helps make it easy to incorporate into daily eating habits.

    Why It's Good for Us

    • The acai berry is full of antioxidants, fatty acids that are essential to our health and even amino acids. On Oprah's website, Dr. Nicholas Perricone lists the berry as the "number 1 superfood" with 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine.

    The Benefits

    • The acai berry cleanse diet is thought to provide additional immune health support by balancing the pH level of the body and removing harmful chemicals and toxins from the body.

    All the Options

    • You can use the acai berry for cleansing by consuming it in whole berry form, powders that can be added to smoothies, capsules or in pre-packaged food items. It can be purchased at health food and gourmet stores.

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