How to Begin The Rhubarb Diet
What is The Rhubarb Diet?
Many people in the West tend to consider rhubarb as nothing more then a vegetable that is often paired with strawberries in a pie. The many benefits of rhubarb, however, have been known by other cultures for thousands of years. The Chinese have used rhubarb as a medicinal plant for over five centuries. The Rhubarb Diet originated from the Huangdi Neijing, which is an ancient Chinese medical text. Supporters of the rhubarb diet say that the rhubarb increases the effects of iron from the dairy products, thus causing the body to store less fat.
The Diet
According to Weight Watchers UK Magazine, to follow the Rhubarb Diet, replace two meals--breakfast and lunch--with boiled rhubarb and a serving of a dairy product such as milk or yogurt. Eat your dinner like you normally would and then start the whole process over again the next day. You continue in this manner until you have reached your goal weight.
Since the Rhubarb Diet is still relatively new, not much is known about it. There has been no scientific research to support the effectiveness of the Rhubarb Diet.
Benefits of Rhubarb
Rhubarb is a good source of fiber, calcium, potassium and vitamin C. It helps stimulate your metabolism, which helps you burn more of those unwanted calories. According to a 1999 study, rhubarb has also been shown to lower cholesterol and increase the excretion of bile acids.
Anthocyanins are found in the red and purplish pigments of certain plants such as rhubarb. The anthocyanins that are found in rhubarb contain antioxidants. According to The National Cancer Institute, antioxidants may slow or prevent the development of cancer.