Pomegranate Juice & Weight Loss
Juicing Pomegranates to Lose Weight
Adding fresh fruit and vegetable juice to your diet aids weight loss in two ways. First, your body receives a large dose of vitamins and minerals in one glass, helping you to stay energized throughout the day without taking in too many calories. Second, juice moves through your system faster than whole or blended fruits and vegetables because the pulp, along with the fiber, has been removed.
Pomegranate juice, like all fresh juices, is cleansing for your liver and digestive system. However, those looking to lose weight should focus mainly on vegetable juices, which are lower in sugar. Try mixing one part fresh pomegranate juice with two parts vegetable juice, like spinach, carrot or celery. The strong, sweeter taste of the pomegranate juice will overpower the vegetable taste, helping you get more vegetables in your diet.
Nutritional Value
Juice from one pomegranate provides about a day's worth of vitamin C, as well as vitamins A and E, and folic acid. Pomegranates are also high in antioxidants, particularly polyphenols, which are believed to help fight high cholesterol. According to Mayo Clinic cardiologist Thomas Behrenbeck, M.D., "it's thought that pomegranate juice could block or slow the buildup of cholesterol in your arteries. Cholesterol buildup causes arteries to harden and narrow, which can lead to heart disease."
The American Heart Association reports that obesity is one of the risk factors for heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. While pomegranate juice alone may not directly induce weight loss, it is an ideal choice for overweight or obese individuals trying to lose weight, as they are also at risk for these heart problems.