Negatives to High Protein Diet
By eliminating or significantly reducing carbohydrate intake, dieters will lose weight because of reduced calories, which leads to a negative energy balance. The lack of carbohydrates causes the body to break down proteins from lean tissues for energy, which results in water loss from muscles.
Side Effects
When protein is broken down to amino acids, the nitrogen atom is stripped away and is excreted via the kidneys while the remainder is converted to glucose or fat. The excess wastes cause kidney stones and potential renal failure.
Mineral Loss
High protein diets cause ketosis, a condition where the blood is concentrated with ketones which are by-products of fat metabolism when carbohydrate consumption is low. This leads to loss of calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Dieters who stay on high protein diets for a long time can suffer from many diseases, such as osteoperosis, hypokalemia and ketoacidosis.
Because of the excess ketones in their bodies, dieters on high protein diets have a pungent smell in their breath and perspiration.