How to Eat Right 4 Your Type
Find out your blood type by asking your doctor. If you have not had a blood type test done, other options are to check your blood donation card, if you have one, or order one of several commercial blood type kids available online.
Stick to a vegetarian diet if you are blood type A. Type A people tend to have less of the stomach acid that is necessary to digest meat, causing the meat products to turn into fat. Allowed foods include legumes (except for lima and kidney beans), fruit, vegetables, grains (with the exception of wheat), tofu and seafood. Type As should avoid dairy products.
Have a flexible diet if you are blood type B. People with type B blood wishing to eat right for their type includes meat, dairy, grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Specific foods that type Bs should avoid include corn, peanuts, buckwheat, lentils and seeds.
Avoid red meats, seeds, lima beans and kidney beans if you are a type AB. Recommended foods are from all of the food groups, and include tofu, seafood, white meat, grains, beans, fruits and vegetables. People with type AB blood share characteristics with both those with type A and those with type B blood. They may have low levels of stomach acid like Type As, but are able to digest lean meat and dairy products like type Bs
Stick with a high-protein diet, with minimal quantities of carbohydrates if you are blood type O. Eat meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Avoid eating wheat, corn, beans, legumes, cabbage, lentils and cauliflower.