Bananas for Breakfast Diet
The banana diet is based around a diet that started in Japan. As it has made its way to American culture, it has gained popularity. The basis of the diet is centered around the idea that healthy eating habits combined with the consumption of bananas will equate to weight loss. It also suggests that the bananas are eaten every morning for breakfast.
The banana diet has several rules that must be followed. For breakfast you can eat raw bananas. The amount of bananas you choose to eat, however, is unlimited. If you choose not to eat bananas as your breakfast meal you are allowed any other fruit or a low caloric breakfast, such as fruit with oatmeal.
Lunch and Dinner
The banana diet allows you to eat regular meals during lunch and dinner. The only restrictions are that you should not eat past eight o' clock in the evening, and that dessert must not be a part of your meal. Otherwise, the types and portions of food that you choose to eat are determined by your own preferences. It is also suggested that throughout the day the only beverage consumed should be water.
There are several other suggested practices associated with this diet. This includes exercising while on the banana diet, although it is optional. It is also suggested to keep a food diary or journal to monitor the foods that are eaten and to make sure you get a good night's rest. It should be noted that some critics of the diet want to make a point that the allowance of food throughout the day may not contribute to weight loss if a healthy diet is not maintained.