Orange and Pineapple Diet
The Pineapple Diet
People who participate in pineapple diets seek to lose weight by consuming only pineapple for a set amount of time, generally one to two weeks. Dieters generally eat one half to one pineapple a day. Although some dieters juice the pineapple in a juicer, many dieters claim eating the pineapple as is results in a fuller feeling. Because pineapples are rich in Vitamin C, thiamine, potassium and manganese, proponents of the diet claim the body remains nourished throughout the diet. However, the pineapple diet has not been proven to increase weight loss.
The Orange Diet
People following an orange diet aim to lose weight by consuming only oranges for one to two weeks, as well as eight glasses of water daily. Oranges are high in Vitamin C and fiber, and are reputed to help break up fatty tissue that may develop in the body. Many dieters juice the oranges before consuming. Because oranges are available all year, this diet is easy to follow and relatively inexpensive.
Diet Controversy
Proponents of the orange and pineapple diets claim these plans work to boost the metabolism and help shed unnecessary weight. Furthermore, because both fruits are low in carbohydrates and high in Vitamin C, many believe the diet is healthy.
Nutritionists, however, claim any diets that involve consuming only one food product are unsafe and unhealthy, and that any weight lost during the diet is quickly regained once you start eating normal foods. Doctors maintain that eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits along with exercise will result in the largest, most permanent weight loss.