Duke Rice Diet
Phase One: Detox
The first phase of the rice diet is called 'Detox,' as during this time you will be severely restricted from most foods except for starch and fruit. The phase is for seven days, which includes one day of only grains and fruit, followed by six days of only grains, beans, vegetables, fruits and limited dairy, according to Rosati. Detoxing is necessary in order to flush out toxins and excess sodium from your system and get rid of water weight. According to Rosati, most people have 5 to 10 pounds of excess water weight. Grains should be thoroughly cooked, while vegetables can be served raw or cooked. Do not saute or fry vegetables, as it defeats the purpose of trying to lose weight by adding saturated fat to your diet. The first day basic diet menu is 2 servings of starches and 2 servings of fruits for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The other six days should consist of 1 starch, 1 non-fat dairy and 1 fruit for breakfast; 3 starches, 3 vegetables and 1 fruit for lunch; 3 starches, 3 vegetables and 1 fruit for dinner.
Phase Two: Lasting Weight Loss
Phase two of the rice diet is known as 'Lasting Weight Loss' as it continues the cycle of one day of only fruits and grains, five days of grains, beans, fruit, vegetables, and non-fat dairy, followed by one day of including fish, lean meat, eggs or non-fat dairy in your diet. Phase Two continues for as long as you'd like, since during this time you will lose about 3.5 pounds per week, and 14 pounds a month, according to Rosati. When you have reached an ideal weight, you are ready to proceed to the final phase. The first day consists of 2 starches and 2 fruits for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Days 2 through 6 include 1 starch, 1 non-fat dairy and 2 fruits for breakfast; 3 starches, 3 vegetables and 1 fruit for lunch; 3 starches, 3 vegetables and 1 fruit for dinner. For day 7 you should have 2 starches, 1 fruit for breakfast; 4 starches, 3 vegetables and 1 fruit for lunch; 3 meats, 2 starches, 2 vegetables and 1 fruit for dinner.
Phase Three: Maintenance
Phase three is the final phase that helps you maintain your new weight and keep your energy levels high, according to Rosati. The weekly menu remains the same, with an addition of 200 calories per week until you stop losing weight. Healthy food options include tofu, cheese, eggs, nuts, olives, lean meat, seafood, or skinless poultry. Your meals should be in single serving sizes unless otherwise stated. Your diet menu should consist of 2 starches and 2 fruits for breakfast, lunch and dinner the first day. Days 2 to 5 include 1 starch, 2 non-fat dairy, and 1 fruit for breakfast; 3 starches, 3 vegetables and 1 fruit for lunch; 3 starches, 3 vegetables and 1 fruit for dinner. Days 6 to 7 should have 2 starches and 1 fruit for breakfast; 3 1/2 starches, 3 vegetables and 1 fruit for lunch; 3 protein, 2 1/2 starches and 3 vegetables for dinner.