The Apple a Day Diet Plan
Three Apple a Day Plan
Tammi Flynn, a Registered Dietitian, developed the Three Apple a Day Plan. To take part in this diet, start eating four to five healthy meals a day, all containing lean protein. Fifteen minutes before each main meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner), consume one apple. The in-between meals should consist mostly of fruit. Make sure you get at least six servings of fruit and vegetables a day, aside from the three apples. This fad diet is popular because it includes eating more fruit and does not involve drastic calorie cuts. However, this diet does not allow for cheat days, and you must stick to it once you have started to see results. Flynn has released a book detailing the diet and what foods can be consumed. Recommended foods include apples, low fat cottage cheese, low fat yogurt, eggs, chicken breast, turkey, lean beef, salmon, oatmeal, brown rice, broccoli and lettuce. You will also have to exercise. Your exercise plan should consist of cardio and strength training.
Three Day Apple Diet
The Three Day Apple Diet is a different type of apple diet. This diet acts as a detoxing diet and may also result in weight loss. Apples have only 90 calories per serving, and are full of vitamins that boost metabolism and help digestion. For this diet, consume only apples for three consecutive days. Eat as many apples as you can and drink plenty of water. At the end of the three days, consume two to three tablespoons of olive oil. In addition, while on this three day diet, you will need to rest and not work your body hard.
Tips and Warnings
Do not peel the apples. There are many nutrients directly under the skin that will help keep your metabolism running.
Select medium size apples.
The first apple diet may be difficult for vegetarians, as most of the meals include lean proteins found in meats, poultry and fish.