How to Lose Weight on Two Beers a Day
Things You'll Need
- Calorie calculator
- Meal plan
- Two beers (per day)
Getting Started
Calculate your daily caloric limit.
Losing weight comes down to simply creating a caloric deficit. The calories going in have to be less than the calories going out. To successfully lose one pound, you need to have reduced 3,500 calories by either limiting your food intake or burning off more calories through exercise. Calculate how many calories a day your body needs to simply maintain your current weight, and then aim to cut out about 500 calories from that each day to lose one pound a week. You can find a way to easily calculate your caloric needs in the resources section.
Determine how you will create a caloric deficit.
Once you have calculated how many calories you need to maintain your weight, decide how you will cut out 500 calories. A good way to do this is to exercise more and burn off about 250 calories, and then reduce your diet by 250 calories.
Plan your diet.
It is best to spread your food out evenly throughout the day with three meals about 400-500 calories, and then a couple of snacks, 100-200 calories each. This will keep your metabolism running smoothly. Write out what your daily meal plan will look like.
Account for two beers.
Plan the two beers into your diet plan by finding the total amount of calories in your beer of choice and then doing the math accordingly. One beer can constitute as one of your snacks, or a part of one of your meals. It is really simple mathematics here, and as long as you keep your daily total caloric intake where it needs to be you will still lose weight while treating yourself to the beers you love.