The Best Lose-Weight-Fast Diets Online
The Cabbage Diet
The cabbage soup diet is a seven-day diet that is low-fat, high-fiber and helps you lose up to 10 pounds in just a week. This diet has been around for decades, and in fact will help you lose weight if you are able to maintain the plan. But just like many fad diets, it doesn't allow for nutrients from all of the basic food groups. You are essentially eating bowls of cabbage soup and fruit, then vegetables and meat on alternating days of the week. Because of the limited foods allowed, this diet can be hard to follow.
The soup is obviously the most important part of the diet plan. Ther are several recipes for cabbage soup, depending on which variation of the diet you are following, but cabbage soup typically contains diced cabbage, other vegetables, salt, pepper and whatever natural seasonings that suit your taste, and some sort of base, such as vegetable broth.
This diet has no secret to quick weight loss. In fact, the only reason it may help you lose weight is because of the extremely low caloric intake it provides. Because this diet does allow consumption of protein and sugars from the meat and fruit, it is possible for you to exercise while on this diet.
Lemonade/Master Cleanse Diet
The Master Cleanse, or Lemonade Diet, is a type of detox diet that has been made famous by celebrity use by singer Beyonce Knowles and Robin Quivers of the Howard Stern radio show. The jist of the diet is to drink a lemon-based concoction that supposedly eliminates junk food cravings, makes you feel more energetic and detoxes your body as you lose weight.
The drink is made of pure filtered water, organic lemons, organic cayenne pepper, grade B organic maple syrup, sea salt or Epsom salt and an optional laxative tea. You drink this mixture several times a day as a replacement for food to rid your body of harmful toxins. The optional tea is to help you remove the toxins by excreting them.
You can stay on this diet for up to 14 days. After the 14th day, you slowly progress to eating solid foods. The first day off the detox diet, you can drink orange juice. The second day you can drink orange juice and eat vegetable soup. The third day you can eat whole vegetables, fruit and salad. Normal eating is allowed on day four.
The 5-Factor Diet
The 5-Factor Diet is one of the more sensible diets available on the Internet as it incorporates healthy eating and exercise. This diet was created by Harley Pasternak, a celebrity trainer who wanted to come up with a way for his clients to squeeze in exercise and a healthy diet while touring or shooting a movie. The 5-Factor Diet is a five-week program that includes five meals a day, each meal prepared within five minutes and with five ingredients. Breakfast can include foods like yogurt, eggs and fresh fruit. Lunch might be soup, salad, an open sandwich, or a wrap. Dinners are a lean meat and vegetables.
Two snacks are allowed each day, and each Sunday on the program is a cheat day, when the participant can eat whatever he or she wants. Recipes for meals and snacks are available online when you subscribe to the diet.
On the 5-Factor Diet plan, workouts are 25 minutes long and consist of five phases that are five minutes each. Workout components include cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and body weight (core) exercises.