Pepper Diets
Data from a number of studies indicate people who consume peppers rich in capsaicin have lower rates of obesity. A study conducted at the Division of Kinesiology in Quebec, Canada found adding red peppers to meals increases metabolism and thermogenesis. Another study indicated eating red peppers decreases appetite. Other research indicates capsaicin inhibits the growth of fat cells by activating a protein (Amp-activated protein kinase) that stimulates the oxidation of fatty acid, helps regulate eating behavior and increases metabolism.
Cayenne Pepper Diet
The cayenne pepper diet, as promoted by superstar Beyonce, promises to help individuals loose a significant amount of weight quickly. The diet is based on the principles of fasting rather than food restriction. For this plan, individuals swear off eating and instead consume a drink of cayenne pepper, lemon juice and maple syrup at meal times.
The cayenne pepper diet is not a healthy option. While some claim to lose large amounts of weight-- up to 20 pounds in two weeks--the body loses valuable nutrients and vitamins during the process. Further, the restrictive nature of the diet probably means that few will be able to stick to it for one to two weeks. Most people who fail on the diet do so within three days. Unpleasant side effects include nausea, fatigue, headache, and feelings of dizziness.
The Chili Pepper Diet
Created and promoted by author Heidi Allison, the chili pepper diet promises to help individuals lose unwanted weight and remove harmful toxins from the body. The diet is outlined in the book, "The Chili Pepper Diet: The Natural Way to Control Cravings, Boost Metabolism and Lose Weight." According to Allison, chili peppers can "curb appetite, reduce unhealthy cravings, increase metabolism, reduce hypertension and even enhance sexual performance."
Chili peppers contain capsaicin, which sends a signal to the brain that the body is full. Capsaicin has other benefits as well. It releases 'feel-good' serotonin and endorphins that improve mood and emotional well being. The chili pepper diet consists of a 21 day program that includes low-fat food spiced with different varieties of chili peppers. This diet is not as restrictive as the cayenne pepper diet and includes healthy foods that help protect against the depletion of vitamins and nutrients. On the downside, chili peppers can increase the risk of stomach ulcers in some people, and can lead to heartburn and other unpleasant side effects.
The Bottom Line
The best method for using the weight loss benefits of peppers is to add them to a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and exercise.